Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Naskah Roleplay

                Once upon a time, there live a widow with her son named “MalinKondang”. Her husband was disappear since Malin was born years old. When Malin was grow up, he met aRich Guy with big ship.
Rich Guy                              : “Hey you there!”
Malin                                    : *look everywhere, did not notice that the old man was calling him*
Rich Guy                              : “Hey you! Yeah, you! Come here!”
Malin                                    : “Oh, me?” *pointed his finger to his self, come to the Rich Guy*
Rich Guy                              : “Your body structure are amazing! And you’re face not ugly. I’m sure you
                                               can be our employee here.”
Malin                                    : “Employee? Here? Where?”
Rich Guy                              : “In this ship of course. You can be a rich man if you work hard here.”
Malin                                    : “Really? Okay, I will tell my Bundo.”
Rich Guy                              : “Alright, I’ll stay here for a week. You can meet me here if you’ve already
                                               decided what to do.”
                Malin was struggle to tell his Bundo. His Bundo always ban him to get out of the island because his father also disappear because of work in the ship. After try almost more than 100 times, he found a perfect timing to ask his Bundo for the last time.
Malin                                    : “Bundo… please….. I’m begging you. I really want to work there. I’m sure
                                                  I will be alright not like Daddy. I want to make our family better.”
Bundo                                  : “But son……”
Malin                                    : “Pleaseeeeeee?” *winking his eyes*
Bundo                                  : “Alright Malin, you can go. But please, keep your promise to Bundo okay?”
Malin                                    : “Okay my lovely bundoooooo!” *jumping around*
                After told the old man that Malin can go with him, the old man leave the island as soon as possible.
In the ship….
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “Hemm…. We finally leave this beautiful island. Unfortunately our little
                                                  Princess not come with us right honey?”
Rich Guy                              : “Yeah honey, next time we come here again with her.”
Malin                                    : *walk in front of Rich Guy and his wife, then smile*
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “Oh my God! Honey, who is that boy?!”
Rich Guy                              : “Our new employee hon, What’s wrong?”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “That boy is so charming! And he looked so nice with his attitude.”
Rich Guy                              : “Yeah he is so nice, and his work is so good.”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “We need to make our daughter meet him!”
Rich Guy                              : “I agree with you honey.”
                After decided to make Malin as his Son in law, the ship arrived in their castle.
Zizah                                     : “Oh! My parents are coming! Yeaaay!”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “Sweetheart… mommy’s comiiiiiiing!” *hug her daughter*
Azizah                                     : “I miss you so much mommy, so how’s the island?”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “That was great honey… and guess what? I bring new guard for you.”
Rich Guy                              : “Malin, come here!”
Malin                                    : “Hello… my name is Malin.”
Azizah                                     : *frozen* *blushing and smile*
                After that first met, both of them are love each other from the first sight. After 2 years, they married and have a beautiful daughter.
Meanwhile in the island………………
Bundo                                  : “Oh my god… where is my son? I miss him so much. Should I give up for
                                               wait him to come back? Is he dead?!”
                Bundo taught that her son was dead just like her husband. And she was so depressed. To healing her depressed, she started to treated herself become more beautiful, just like young again.
In the castle, Malin become rich and changed his name become Maylein.
Dita                                       : “Daaaaad, I want to have a trip!”
Malin                                    : “Okay baby, “If you want it, you got it!” “
Azizah                                     : “Darling, how about if we go to the beautiful island?”
Malin                                    : “That’s a good idea.”
                Then, that family go to the island. After arrive in the island…..
Malin                                    : “Usman, please look for this woman. And tell me if you found her.” *give                          hisBundo’s photo.
Usman                                 : “Alright captain Maylein!”
Azizah                                     : “Darling, what are you doing?”
Malin                                    : “No-nothing darling.”
Zizah                                     : “Alright then.”
Dita                                       : “Daddy daddy! This island is soooo beautiful! I want to play there okay?”
Azizah                                     : “Be careful!”
*Dita play around and Zizah followed her* *Malin look around the environment and remember about his childhood*
Usman                                 : “Captain! I have a bad information.”
Malin                                    : “What is that Usman?”
Usman                                 : “The women in this photo is no longer here, no one know her face. Is that
                                               means that this women was ……………”
Malin                                    : “NOOOOO!!!!!” *cried and fall*
Usman                                 : “Be strong captain..”
                After cry hard, Malin was walking around the river. He was so pale and so weak. But suddenly, a beautiful women walk by.
*Scene Malin and Bundo met and Bundo left her sandal*
Malin                                    : “I need to find owner of this sandal!*
                After Malin and his assistant, Usman looked for owner of that sandal, finally they found that women.
Malin                                    : “Please lady…. You just make my heart keep beating. I’m in love with you!”
Bundo                                  : “No captain Maylein… I can’t! You have a wife and daughter!”
Malin                                    : “But I really love you lady. I can divorce with Zizah if you want it.”
                Malin didn’t know that when he said that, his daughter Dita heard it.
*Bundo gone, Malin keep followed her*
*Ditacome to set*
Dita                                       : “Oh my god! What was wrong with Daddy?! I must tell Mommy.”
*Usman heard what Dita said and talk to her*
Usman                                 : “Dita..don’t be like that”
Dita                                       : “Who are you talk to me like that?! Oh so you know about daddy and that
                                               ugly woman?!”
Usman                                 : “Not like that! I’m begging you not to tell your Mom.”
Dita                                       : “No way!” *go away*
Usman                                 : “But Dita….. Wait!” *following Dita*
                Dita told he Mother about the incident, and her mother was so upset. Zizah called her parent to come to the island.
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “ZIzah! Is that true about what are you talking in the phone?!”
Azizah                                     : “That’s right Mom.” *hugged her mom*
Rich Guy                              : “What the heck?! How dare you Malin!!”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “We must revenge about this!”
Dita                                       : “That’s true granny!!”
                In other place, Malin keep following Bundo, and asked her to marry him.
Bundo                                  : “Okay Maylein, if you want to become my husband. You must done two
                                                two things to do.”
Malin                                    : “What is that Lady?”
Bundo                                  : “You must make a big ship for me in only 24 hours!”
Malin                                    : *shocked* *doubt* “o-o-okay Deal!”
                Malin panic. How can he make a big ship in only 24 hours.  And his assistant give a solution. Usman said that Malin need to meet an evil in the mountain. Ans then, Malin and Usman go to the mountain.
Evil                                         : “HAHAHAHAHA so you need my help huh?”
Malin                                    : “Y-y-yes majesty. Can you please give me your power? Just a little please”
Evil                                         : “That’s just simple! See this!” *make a weird movement*

                In other place.
Bundo                                  : *worried about Malin*
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “L-l-l-lady…. Please accept this apple. This apple is so good.”
Bundo                                  : “No, mam. Sorry…”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “Ooh.. I’m so sad that no one want to accept my kindness.”
Bundo                                  : “Mmmm.. okay mam, I’ll take this.”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “Thankyou lady, have a nice day.”
Bundo                                  : “You’re welcome.” *eat the apple* *fall*
                Bundo didn’t know that actually, the old women isMalin’s mother in law.
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “HAHAHAHA honey, we did it!”
Azizah                                     : “Great Mommy! I love you!”
Dita                                       : “My granny is so cool!”
Rich Guy’s Wife                : “KHEKHEKHE that’s just me.” *hug Zizah and Dita*
Rich Guy                              : “Alright then, our revenge is over. Let’s go back home.”
Dita                                       : “How about Malin and Usman?”
Rich Guy                              : “Aaaah who cares?!”
                Rich Guy’s family was leaving the island and left Malin and Usman. While Malin finished make his big ship. Malin come to Bundo’s house and found Bundo fall in front of her house. Malin was so shock saw Bundo fall apart. And call the evil to help him to wake her up again. But Bundo can’t saw the evil.
Evil                                         : *make weird movement* *spelling*
Bundo                                  : *wake up*
Evil                                         : *disappear*
Malin                                    : “Lady? Are you okay?”
Usman                                 : “Yea, are you okay?”
Bundo                                  : “I-i-I’m okay.”
Malin                                    : “Lady, I’ve finished my big ship for you. So what’s next?”
                Bundo told Malin the next step to became her wife. She told Malin that she had a son and he disappeared long time ago. She wantMalin to find her son. Malin called evil again.
Evil                                         : “HAHAHAHA you need my help again? Huh?”
Bundo                                  : “WHAT IS THAT?!”
Usman                                 : “Calm down miss, it’s only an evil.”
Bundo                                  : *almost loose her life* *but she come back to real life*
Malin                                    : “Majesty! I need to know who is this Lady’s son?!”
Evil                                         : *make a weird movement again* *spelling again*
                                                  “Hmmmm…. Hmmmmm…… Oh my! Oh! Hmmm… I know where is your son”
Bundo                                  : “Where is he?!”
Evil                                         : “He… he…. He is beside you Lady! HAHAHAHA”
Bundo                                  : “What?! He?!Captain Maylein?!”
Malin                                    : “NO WAY!”
Bundo                                  : “But my son’s name is Malin, not Maylein.”
Malin                                    : “What?! A-a-a-actually, my real name is Malin.”
Bundo                                  : “What?! Oh Maliiiin! Bundo misses you so much!”
Malin                                    : “No! No way! My mom is old not like you! You’re not my mom!”
Bundo                                  : “How dare you not accept me as you mom?!”
Malin                                    : “NOOOO! I don’t have mom like you!”
Bundo                                  : “How dare you Malin! I cursed you Malin!!!! In the name of God! I cursed                              you become stone!!”
Malin                                    : “A-aaaanooooo!”
                Finally, Bundo cursed Malin become a stone. And Bundo life with Usman who adopted as her son.

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