The Disappearance of Sundanese Cultures
and globalization nowadays have widely spread all over the world. This has
caused Sundanese culture face a very big problem. It’s almost extinct. It’s not
impossible that someday it will really disappear from the world.
modernization and globalization have evacuated the culture of the native to the
very border side of culture. In the other hand, rationalization and technology
development have made the life of Sundanese become more modern and make things
easy to be done for them. However, the risk is the extinction of the social
systems inside, the religious institutions and the fading of the Sundanese
traditionalism. As the example is the extinction of the Sundanese traditional
identity, such as Kaulinan Sunda. Gatrik, Galah, Perang Gobang, Rerebonan,
Bancakan, Ucing SUmput, Oray-orayan, and many others have been disappeared by
the pop culture, such as Birthday Party, Party, Television, Theatre, VCD,
Disco, and even drugs. Technology has removed the Kaulinan culture from the old
SUndanese who were close to nature. Kaulinan nowadays has just become a memory
for the older generation. Children don’t even know what traditional games of
their origin are.
traditional musics and Sundanese entertaining performances are just the same.
Reog, calung, angklung, arumba, kacapi, suling, wayang, kuda lumping, and many
others are still can be found on certain ceremony such as wedding, celebration
of circumcision, celebrating the Independence day of Indonesia, welcoming party
of important persons, and etc. However, it’s still difficult to find the
existence of those art performances. If there were no dalang Asep Sunarya, the
savior of wayang before the reformation of new regime, probably wayang would
disappear. Unfortunately, the desire of Asep to keep wayang alive as the
culture heritage of Sundanese was not followed by another artists. Reog, calung
and angklung slowly disappear from the society.
it has been a long story that Sundanese Language is not interesting and assumed
to be unimportant fo students in schools. The rule of the language makes it
difficult to be mastered. Students and youngsters’ interest in studying
Sundanese language always decrease little by little. Since this problem has
been existing for a long period, it’s difficult to find Sundanese language
teachers, as well as the master of letters. We just know some of them. They are
Rustandi Kartakusumah, Wahyu Wibisana, Ki Umbara, Apip Mustopa, and etc. But
this number is still far from hope.
in cities, many parents don’t teach their children to use Sundanese language.
Modern Sundanese family doesn’t speak Sundanese as the daily language. They
tend to choose using Indonesian that is considered as more modern. In young
families, the parents teach their children to call them “papi-mami”,
“papa-mama”, or “ayah-ibu” instead of “abah-ambu”, “emih-apih”, “ema-apa,
“abi-umi”, or “indung-bapa”. People using Sundanese language in daily
conversation are assumed to be not Indonesian.
is the poor knowledge about history of Sunda. Historically, Sunda’s history is
not as great as Java’s. The kingdoms in Sunda such as Tarumanegara, Galuh,
Padjadjaran and Sumedang Larang were the local kingdoms and not expansionist so
that they didn’t have big supremacies as the other kingdoms had. The authentic
identity of SUndanese culture also has lost its function in the bigger culture
hegemony such as Java, Islam, and the West. A historian from Dutch, Hans
Kahler, wrote that since Sunda was defeated by Majapahit, Sunda had disappeared
from the history. This sad situation is supported by the very little number of
SUnda historiography. It seems that the existence of Sunda history is not quite
interesting for the historians.
thos 3 cases, we can see that Sundanese culture has almost extinct. These may
cause the extinction of sunda culture in the future. This extinction will occur
if the people do not optimize the function of sundanese culture. Lost of
cultural function can be seen from the fact that the SUndanese’ youngsters find
it unimportant to behave as SUndanese. The extinction of culture is not an
impossible thing, so the task for the government, the intellectuals, and
Sundanese elite group to think about a cultural strategy so that SUndanese
culture still survive in this globalization and modernization era. In the end,
it’s hoped that SUndanese culture can be side by side to the modernization.
By : u-know wicky
By : u-know wicky
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